MBASIC programming language
MBASIC is an interpreted language for Alchemy OS. It is mostly
compatible with Mobile BASIC.
Last update: 2013-06-03
1 Introduction
1.1 Installation
To install MBASIC interpreter go to the package manager and install
package. Alternatively, you may execute the following
command in the terminal:
2 Using interpreter
2.1 Interactive mode
To start interpreter in interactive mode open terminal and type
To exit interpreter type 'exit'. In MBASIC letter case is not
meaningful so you can also type 'Exit' or 'EXIT'.
In interactive mode interpreter reads commands from the terminal and
executes them immediately. One of the core MBASIC commands is PRINT,
which prints its argument.
> Print "Hi"
> PRINT 2*3
Letter case is not meaningful, so you may write "PRINT", "Print" or "print".
Instead of executing commands immediately, you may start writing program.
To add command to the program start it with numeric label. It is common to enumerate
commands not by consecutive numbers but rather with numbers 10, 20, ... This way you
can insert later command between these indices if you need.
> 10 INPUT "Your name:", NAME$
> 20 PRINT "Hello, " + NAME$ + "."
> 5 REM This is just a comment
To review you current program use LIST command. To execute program, use RUN.
5 REM This is just a comment
10 INPUT "Your name:", NAME$
20 PRINT "Hello, " + NAME$ + "."
Your name:
> John
Hello, John.
If you enter command with index that is already used, existing command
will be replaced by new one. Finally, you may delete command from
program entering just number.
To save your current script in a file use SAVE command.
Existing program can be loaded in interpreter using LOAD command.
2.2 Script execution
You can execute program from a file using MBASIC interpreter.
To do that pass it as argument after
If you want to turn your script into application you need also
to add the following line as the first line of your script:
Then you can copy your script under
and give it
execution permissions.
> cp yourscript.bas /bin/yourscript
> chmod +x /bin/yourscript
3 Variables
Variables are used to store data in memory. MBASIC distinguishes
three data types: integer numbers, floating point numbers and strings.
Variable names consist of alphanumeric characters and possibly a suffix.
Suffix is used to determine variable type.
Type |
Suffix |
Examples |
floating point number |
no suffix |
integer number |
% |
string |
$ |
Suffix is a part of name, so
are different variables.
Variable can be accessed by its name. If variable does not exist, it will
be created. Numeric variables initially contain 0, string variables are
initialized to empty string. Assignment operator '='
is used to
assign values to variables.
> 10 I% = 2
> 20 PRINT 5 + I% * 2
4 Commands
Each command has the following syntax
One line may contain more than one command in which case they must
be separated by colon.
I% = 2 : I% = 5 - I% : PRINT I%
The following sections describe commands separated by categories.
You may also use
alphabetic index.
4.1 Standard commands
Evaluates expression and prints in on output.
INPUT prompt, VAR
INPUT prompt, VAR%
INPUT prompt, VAR$
prompt and asks user for input. Inputed value
then stored in specified variable.
LIST line
LIST from, to
Lists program stored in memory. Without arguments lists the whole program,
with one argument - only specified line, with two arguments - anything between
given indices.
Loads program from the specified file. Old program is removed and all variables
are cleared.
Saves current program in the specified file.
Adds program comment. What follows REM is completely ignored by MBASIC.
Starts new program. Old program is removed and all variables are cleared.
Runs program stored in memory.
Terminates running program.
Terminates running program. When used in interactive mode, exits from interpreter.
Loads named module. Modules contain additional commands and functions that can be
used in MBASIC.
4.2 Mathematical mode
All subsequent calls to trigonometric functions (SIN, COS, TAN)
will assume that argument is given in degrees.
Inverse trigonometric functions (ASIN, ACOS, ATAN) will return result as degrees.
All subsequent calls to trigonometric functions (SIN, COS, TAN)
will assume that argument is given in radians.
Inverse trigonometric functions will return result as radians.
4.3 Flow control
Causes program execution to proceed to given line. Example:
> 10 PRINT 1
> 20 GOTO 40
> 30 PRINT 2
> 40 PRINT 3
GOSUB/RETURN is used to write subroutines. GOSUB remembers current line
and then proceeds to given line number. RETURN returns execution back
to the remembered position.
> 10 GOSUB 100
> 20 PRINT "Between subroutines"
> 30 GOSUB 100
> 40 END
> 100 PRINT "Subroutine"
> 110 RETURN
Between subroutines
IF condition THEN command
Executes specified command only if condition evaluates to non-zero value.
FOR var% = start TO end STEP inc
NEXT var%
All lines between FOR/NEXT are iterated using
var% = start
var% = start+inc
var% = start+2*inc
and so on until
becomes larger than
Step can also be negative. If STEP part is omitted, step is 1.
4.4 File I/O
Files in MBASIC are accessed through the
channels. There are 10 channels,
from #0 TO #9. Channel is always the first argument after a command. An example
of putting three bytes in the file:
10 OPEN# 0, "test.txt", "OUTPUT"
20 PUT# 0, ASC("H")
30 PUT# 0, ASC("i")
40 PUT# 0, ASC("!")
50 CLOSE# 0
OPEN# channel, file$, mode$
Opens file on the given channel in the specified mode. Mode is one of
Closes channel.
Writes byte value to the channel. Channel must be in OUTPUT or APPEND mode.
Reads byte from the channel as value from 0 to 255. If channel is at end,
variable is set to -1. Channel must be in INPUT mode.
Writes given value to the channel in format that can be later read by INPUT#.
Channel must be in OUTPUT or APPEND mode.
INPUT# channel, VAR%
INPUT# channel, VAR
INPUT# channel, VAR$
Reads value from the channel. This command recognizes format used by PRINT#.
4.5 Graphics
Graphical commands allow to draw on the screen. To turn on graphical mode you should
first execute a command
After that new empty screen will appear.
Clear graphical screen. Fills entire screen with white color.
SETCOLOR red, green, blue
Sets current color to paint with. Arguments are three numbers
from 0 to 255.
Changes color of the given point to the current one.
Draws the line using current color.
DRAWRECT x, y, width, height
Draws the outline of the rectangle with given top-left corner and size.
FILLRECT x, y, width, height
Fills the rectangle with given top-left corner and size.
DRAWROUNDRECT x, y, width, height, arcwidth, archeight
Draws the outline of the rectangle with rounded corners.
FILLROUNDRECT x, y, width, height, arcwidth, archeight
Fills the rectangle with rounded corners.
DRAWARC x, y, width, height, startangle, arcangle
Draws the arc.
FILLARC x, y, width, height, startangle, arcangle
Fills the arc.
Draws the specified string at given position.
BLIT x, y, width, height, tox, toy
Copies the specified rectangle to given position.
5 Expressions
5.1 Numbers and strings
MBASIC recognizes number literals as integers and numbers with dot
as floating point decimals.
String is any sequence of characters between double quotes. MBASIC also
recognizes the following escape sequences in strings.
Sequence |
Meaning |
\n |
Newline |
\t |
Tabulation character |
\\ |
Backslash |
\" |
Double quote |
\x nn |
ASCII character with hexadecimal code nn |
\u nnnn |
Unicode character with hexadecimal code nnnn
5.2 Operators
Arithmetic operators.
Operator |
Description |
a + b |
Addition |
a - b |
Subtraction |
-a |
Unary minus |
a * b |
Multiplication |
a / b |
Division |
a ^ b |
Comparison operators.
The result of comparison is either 1 (true) or 0 (false).
Operator |
Description |
a = b |
Equals to. |
a <> b |
Not equals to. |
a < b |
Less than. |
a <= b |
Less than or equals to. |
a > b |
Greater than. |
a >= b |
Greater than or equals to.
Logical operators.
The result of logical operation is either 1 (true) or 0 (false).
Operator |
Description |
a AND b |
True if both arguments are nonzero. |
a OR b |
True if any of arguments is nonzero. |
NOT a |
True if a is zero.
String concatenation.
Operator |
Description |
a$ + b$ |
The result is a combination of strings a$ and b$.
Bitwise operators.
These operators work with integer numbers as 32-bit sequences.
The result is a bitwise operation on corresponding pairs of bits.
Operator |
Description |
a BITAND b |
Bitwise AND. |
a BITOR b |
Bitwise inclusive OR. |
a BITXOR b |
Bitwise exclusive OR.
6 Standard functions
6.1 Mathematical functions
Returns an absolute value of the number.
Returns remainder from division.
Returns sine of the angle.
Returns cosine of the angle.
Returns tangent of the angle.
Returns arcsine of the argument.
Returns arccosine of the argument.
Returns arctangent of the argument.
Returns Euler number
e raised to the power of argument.
Returns natural logarithm of the argument.
Returns square root of the argument.
Returns random integer number. Argument is not used and is for
compatibility with MobileBASIC.
6.2 String functions
Returns code of the first character of the string.
Returns one-character string that represents character
with given code.
Returns number of the characters in the string.
Returns substring that consists of given number of characters
from the beginning of the string.
Returns substring that consists of given number of characters
from the end of the string.
MID$(string$, start, num)
Returns substring that consists of given number of characters
from the given position of the string.
Returns substring that consists of given number of characters
from the beginning of the string.
Returns string representation of given number.
Converts string into a number. Raises error if string
does not represent a number.
7 Writing extensions
Extensions for MBASIC are written in Ether. Extension can
define new functions using
and new
commands using
Consider example:
use "mbasic"
use "io"
def hello() {
def inc(ivar: [Int]) {
ivar[0] += 1
def sum(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a+b
def Init_example(vm: BasicVM) {
vm.addcommand("HELLO", "", hello)
vm.addcommand("INC", "I", inc)
vm.addfunction("SUM", "ii", 'i', sum)
Our extension is called "example". So it must be compiled in
and must contain function
which accepts
To be accessible from MBASIC it should be put under
ex example.e -o -lmb
install /lib/mbasic/
Now we can test it:
/home> mbasic
> REQUIRE "example"
> I% = 2
> INC I%
> PRINT SUM(2, 3)
The first parameter for addcommand is a name that will be used in MBASIC.
The next parameter specifies number and types of arguments.
Letter |
Ether type |
MBASIC value |
a |
Any |
any expression |
i |
Int |
numeric expression (integer) |
f |
Double |
numeric expression (float) |
s |
String |
string expression |
I |
[Int] |
reference to integer variable |
F |
[Double] |
reference to float variable |
S |
[String] |
reference to string variable
For functions, third parameter is a return type of function. Use 'i'
for Int
, 'f'
for Double
and 's'
for String
These are the only types MBASIC knows and can deal with.
Finally, the last parameter is a reference to Ether function that implements
command. Make sure that its arguments and returned type match those specified
in previous parameters, otherwise MBASIC might crash.
8 Ether API for MBASIC
Basic virtual machine is a MBASIC interpreter.
Indicates that virtual machine is stopped and ready
to receive commands.
Indicates that virtual machine executes code passed to it.
Indicates that virtual machine reached EXIT command and stopped.
def Bool): BasicVM;
Creates new virtual machine instance. If
usestd is true,
standard commands and functions are also loaded.
Resets virtual machine to initial state.
Removes all lines of code, clears all variables and unloads all
def Int = 0): Int;
Runs stored MBASIC program starting from given line number.
When called without argument, starts from the beginning.
def BasicVM.parse(text: String): Bool;
Parses and evaluates MBASIC code. Lines starting with command
are executed immediately. Lines starting with number are
stored and can be later executed using
def BasicVM.get_state(): Int;
Returns current state of virtual machine.
def BasicVM.set_ivar(name: String, value: Int);
Sets new value to an integer variable. Variable name
must end with
def BasicVM.set_fvar(name: String, value: Double);
Sets new value to a float variable.
def BasicVM.set_svar(name: String, value: String);
Sets new value to a string variable. Variable name
must end with
def BasicVM.get_ivar(name: String): Int;
Returns current value of specified integer variable.
def BasicVM.get_fvar(name: String): Double;
Returns current value of specified float variable.
def BasicVM.get_svar(name: String): String;
Returns current value of specified string variable.
def BasicVM.addfunction(name: String, args: String, rettype: Int, impl: Function): Bool;
Defines new MBASIC function.
def BasicVM.addcommand(name: String, args: String, impl: Function): Bool;
Defines new MBASIC command.
9 Alphabetic index