Packaging guide

Last edited: 2013-06-23


1 Introduction

Software for Alchemy OS comes in packages which are essentially archives containing program files and some descriptive metadata. A special program called package manager is used to install, remove and upgrade packages. Alchemy OS has central web-archive of packages from which the software can be downloaded and/or upgraded in automated way.

To build a package yourself you need pkgbuild utility. You can install pkgbuild from the graphical package manager or by executing the following command in the terminal:

pkg install pkgbuild
If you cannot access internet on your phone then download the package and all its dependencies from the software archive and install them manually using
pkg-arh install yourfile.pkg

Syntax of the utility is the simplest:

pkgbuild       # Create binary package
pkgbuild -s    # Create source package
pkgbuild -c    # Clean project from building leftovers

2 Package metadata

Suppose we have a program named foo. All we need to do is to create a file with .package extension (e.g. foo.package) and fill it with information.
# First comes info about sources
Source: foo
Version: 1.0
Section: utils
Author: John Doe <>

# Second paragraph describes binary package
Package: foo
Summary: the great foo program
Depends: ${libdeps}, zip
 foo /bin
 foo.png /res/icons
 foo.desktop /res/apps
Here, "Files" field tells what and where will be installed. The word ${libdeps} will be automatically substituted by the names of the libraries which are needed for the program.

Now, to build binary package simply call

This will create file foo_1.0.pkg above your current directory. Your package is ready. You may notice that there is now PKGBUILD folder in your current directory. This is the contents of the binary package, you may verify that it contains all needed files in right places. Now, try to create source package:
pkgbuild -s
This will remove PKGBUILD folder and create file above your current directory. This is just an archive with the contents of the current directory.

3 Building using make

If your project uses make for building, pkgbuild may also call it during builds. For that, add to the source paragraph of the .package file:
Build-Depends: make
The Makefile used by pkgbuild must contain at least three targets:
The first target (regardless of name)
builds the whole project.
installs program on the system. For pkgbuild to work it must install under ${DESTDIR} instead of root.
removes all built files and makes directory suitable for building source package.
When pkgbuild is called with -s or -c option, it calls "make clean". When called without arguments, it successively calls "make", "make install".

4 Examples

The following two examples are existing projects in Alchemy OS. You can download them from the package archive and examine their sources.

'hello' program

Makefile used for building:

hello: hello.e
  ex hello.e -o hello

  install hello ${DESTDIR}/bin

  rm -f hello

File hello.package with package information:

Source: hello
Section: misc
Version: 2
Author: Sergey Basalaev <>
License: BSD-2
Copyright: (c) 2011-2013 Sergey Basalaev
Build-Depends: make

Package: hello
Depends: ${libdeps}
Summary: an example of program

'libexample' library

Makefile used for building:

all: example.e
  ex example.e -o
  echo '' >

  rm -f

install: all
  install ${DESTDIR}/lib
  install ${DESTDIR}/inc
File libexample.package with package information.
Source: libexample
Section: libs
Version: 1
Author: Sergey Basalaev <>
Copyright: (c) 2013 Sergey Basalaev
License: BSD-2
Build-Depends: make

Package: libexample1
Summary: an example of a library
Depends: ${libdeps}

Package: libexample-dev
Section: libdevel
Summary: an example of a library - development headers
Depends: libexample1

5 How to put your package in the Software Archive

To be included in the Software Archive the package must meet the requirements of the Alchemy OS Policy. To propose a package for inclusion in the Software Archive either send it to our mailing list or create a package proposal and attach your package and/or sources to it. It is recommended that before upload the package is also checked for common errors by pkglint utility.
Copyright (c) 2012−2013, Sergey Basalaev

This manual is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.

This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World Wide Web (see You can also obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.