Work with file system and input/output routines. More...
def abspath(path: String): String;
def BArrayOStream.len(): Int;
def BArrayOStream;
def BArrayOStream.reset();
def BArrayOStream.tobarray(): [Byte];
def can_exec(path: String): Bool;
def can_read(path: String): Bool;
def can_write(path: String): Bool;
def exists(path: String): Bool;
def fcopy(source: String, dest: String);
def fcreate(path: String);
def flist(dir: String): [String];
def flistfilter(dir: String, pattern: String): [String];
def flush();
def fmodified(path: String): Long;
def fmove(source: String, dest: String);
def fopen_a(path: String): OStream;
def fopen_r(path: String): IStream;
def fopen_w(path: String): OStream;
def fremove(path: String);
def fsize(path: String): Long;
def get_cwd(): String;
def is_dir(path: String): Bool;
def IStream.available(): Int;
def IStream.close();
def Int;
def IStream.readarray(buf: [Byte], ofs: Int, len: Int): Int;
def IStream.readfully(): [Byte];
def IStream.reset();
def IStream.skip(num: Long): Long;
def istream_from_ba(buf: [Byte]): IStream;
def matches_glob(file: String, pattern: String): Bool;
def mkdir(path: String);
def OStream.close();
def OStream.flush();
def OStream.print(a: Any);
def OStream.printf(fmt: String, args: [Any]);
def OStream.println(a: Any);
def OStream.write(b: Int);
def OStream.writeall(input: IStream);
def OStream.writearray(buf: [Byte], ofs: Int, len: Int);
def pathdir(path: String): String;
def pathfile(path: String): String;
def print(a: Any);
def printf(fmt: String, args: [Any]);
def println(a: Any);
def read(): Int;
def readarray(buf: [Byte], ofs: Int, len: Int): Int;
def readline(): String;
def readurl(url: String): IStream;
def relpath(path: String): String;
def set_cwd(dir: String);
def set_exec(path: String, on: Bool);
def set_read(path: String, on: Bool);
def set_write(path: String, on: Bool);
def seterr(err: OStream);
def setin(in: IStream);
def setout(out: OStream);
def skip(num: Long): Long;
def space_free(root: String): Long;
def space_total(root: String): Long;
def space_used(root: String): Long;
def stderr(): OStream;
def stdin(): IStream;
def stdout(): OStream;
def write(b: Int);
def writearray(buf: [Byte], ofs: Int, len: Int);
This header defines routines to work with file system and also
input/output through the byte streams.
Work with files
File paths in Alchemy OS are specified Unix-style, i.e. directories in the
path are separated with slash (
). Paths may include elements
this directory "."
parent directory ".."
If path starts with slash it is an
absolute path from the root of
the file system hierarchy. Otherwise, path is
relative to the
current working directory. For example,
is a file in
current directory and
is a file in directory parent
to current. Absolute and relative paths may be converted into each other by
abspath and
relpath. Current working directory may
be obtained with
get_cwd and changed with
Standard file system operations include:
fcreate - create new file;
mkdir - make new directory;
fremove - remove file;
exists - check whether specified file exists;
is_dir - check whether specified file is directory;
flist - get the directory listing;
fcopy - copy file;
fmove - move/rename file;
fsize - get size of the file;
fmodified - get date of the last modification of the file.
Alchemy OS distinguishes three file attributes: the permission to
read the file, to write to the file, and to execute the file. Note,
that not all attributes are supported on all file systems.
Input and output streams
Reading and writing of files is done through the input and output streams.
IStream is an object from which you can read bytes sequentially,
it may be file, internet address, etc... To read data from file you need
to open input stream:
var input = fopen_r("somefile.txt")
Then you can read data from
input variable. This is done by
read method, which returns byte value as a number
from 0 to 255. If you have reached the end of the file, method returns -1
(you can use convenient constant
The next program reads entire file and prints integer value of each byte it
Instead of reading single bytes you can read a block of bytes with
readarray, and there are more
for binary files ( or text files (
To close file after reading and free associated resources use
OStream is an object in which you can write bytes. There
are two ways to open file for writing - with
fopen_w you rewrite
file clearing its previous contents and with
fopen_a you append
new data to the end of the file.
"Standard" streams
Every running program has three streams that are already opened and ready
for I/O operation:
stdin is a standard program input, usually input from the terminal.
You can use this stream to ask user to type something interactively.
stdout is a standard program output, usually output on the terminal.
You can use this stream to print information on the phone screen.
stderr is an output for program error messages.
All input/output functions have shorter versions to work with these streams.
So, to print something on the terminal instead of
you may write just
Constant details
Returned by input stream read methods when all data has already been read.
Type details
An input stream is a binary input source from which data can be read in bytes.
An output stream is a binary output source to which data can be written in bytes.
Output stream that writes to byte buffer.
Function details
Returns the default input stream associated with this process.
readarray and
skip read from this stream.
You may assign different stream for input using
Returns the default output stream associated with this process.
println and
flush write to this stream. You may assign different stream for output
Returns the default error stream associated with this process.
You may assign different stream for error messages using
Redefines default input stream for this process.
Redefines default output stream for this process.
Redefines default error stream for this process.
Reads byte from the input stream as unsigned value in range 0..255.
If stream has reached its end this function returns
len bytes from the input stream and writes them to the byte array
buf starting at index
The function can end up in reading less bytes if the end of the stream is reached
or data is otherwise unavailable. Returns total number of actually read bytes.
If no bytes can be read because stream has reached its end
EOF is returned.
def IStream.readfully(): [Byte];
Reads until the end of the stream and return data in array.
Skips over and discards
bytes of data from the input stream.
The function may, for a variety of reasons, end up skipping over some smaller number
of bytes, possibly 0. Returns total number of actually skipped bytes.
def IStream.available(): Int;
Returns count of buffered bytes which can be read without blocking.
Resets this stream to the initial state.
If stream supports reset this method repositions it to the beginning of the input
or other appropriate beginning state. If reset is not supported, this method
ERR_IO error.
Closes this stream and frees associated resources.
Reads byte from standard input as unsigned value in range 0..255.
If stream has reached its end this function returns
len bytes from the standard input and writes them to the byte array
buf starting at index
The function can end up in reading less bytes if the end of the stream is reached
or data is otherwise unavailable. Returns total number of actually read bytes.
If no bytes can be read because stream has reached its end
EOF is returned.
Skips over and discards
bytes of data from the standard input.
The function may, for a variety of reasons, end up skipping over some smaller number
of bytes, possibly 0. Returns total number of actually skipped bytes.
Reads a single line of text from standard input.
UTF-8 encoding is used to decode string.
def OStream.write(b: Int);
Writes specified byte to the output stream.
def OStream.writearray(buf: [Byte], ofs: Int, len: Int);
bytes from given byte array starting from index
to the output stream.
def OStream.writeall(input: IStream);
Writes all data from given input to the output.
def OStream.print(a: Any);
Writes text representation of the given value to the output stream.
UTF-8 encoding is used.
def OStream.println(a: Any);
Writes text representation of the given value to the output stream and terminates a line.
UTF-8 encoding is used.
Forces any buffered data to be written immediately.
def OStream.printf(fmt: String, args: [Any]);
Writes formatted string to the output stream using given format string and arguments.
String.format description on how formatting is used.
Closes this stream and frees associated resources.
Writes specified byte to the standard output.
bytes from given byte array starting from index
to the standard output.
Writes text representation of the given value to the standard output.
UTF-8 encoding is used.
Writes text representation of the given value to the standard output and terminates a line.
UTF-8 encoding is used.
Forces any buffered data in stdout to be written immediately.
Writes formatted string to the standard output using given format string and arguments.
String.format description on how formatting is used.
Returns name of the file represented by this path.
Returns parent directory for given path.
For root directory this function returns
Converts given path to the absolute path.
are removed from result.
If argument
path is relative it is calculated from the current
working directory.
Converts given path to the path relative to the current working directory.
are removed from result. If argument
path is relative it is calculated from the current working directory.
Creates new empty file in the filesystem.
Removes file or directory from the filesystem.
Does nothing if file does not exist. This function can refuse to remove directory
if it is not empty.
Creates new empty directory in the filesystem.
Copies contents of file
source to file
dest does not exist then new file is created.
Moves file to a new location and/or renames it.
Tests whether the specified file exists.
the specified file exists and is a directory.
Opens given file for reading.
File must exist and be accessible for reading.
Opens given file for writing.
If file exists then it must be accessible for writing. The previous contents of
the file is erased. If file does not exist then new file is created in the filesystem.
Opens given file for appending.
If file exists then it must be accessible for writing. New data is written to
the end of the file. If file does not exist then new file is created in the filesystem.
Returns file names that the specified directory contains.
Directory names are ended with
. The pathnames
are not included in the return value. If the directory is empty then a zero-length
array is returned.
Returns file names in the specified directory that match given pattern.
represents any character, symbol
any number of characters. For example, to get list of all files with
extension from the current directory:
var files = flistfilter("./", "*.txt")
If you need to search for characters
, escape them as
Returns time of the last modification of the file.
To work with the returned value use functions from
Returns the size of the file in bytes.
If size cannot be computed this function returns
Changes permission to read from the file.
Does nothing if read flag is not supported by the filesystem.
Changes permission to write to the file.
Does nothing if write flag is not supported by the filesystem.
Changes permission to execute the file.
Does nothing if exec flag is not supported by the filesystem.
Tests whether this file exists and has read permission.
Tests whether this file exists and has write permission.
Tests whether this file exists and can be executed.
Note, that native file system does not support exec flag, so this
function always returns true.
Gets the current working directory of the process.
Sets the current working directory of the process.
Directory must exist.
Returns amount of total space in the file system at given mount point.
if value is unknown.
Returns amount of free space in the file system at given mount point.
if value is unknown.
Returns amount of used space in the file system at given mount point.
if value is unknown.
Opens the specified URL for reading.
URL must have the form
. Supported protocols as of release 2.0:
— reads specified file;
and https:
— opens internet connection to read from the specified address;
— reads system resource (intended to be used by system programs).
Tests if specified file name matches given pattern.
represents any character, symbol
any number of characters. If you need to match characters
, escape them as
Creates new input stream that uses given byte array as source of data.
Creates new output stream that writes to byte buffer.
def BArrayOStream.len(): Int;
Returns number of bytes written to this output stream so far.
def BArrayOStream.tobarray(): [Byte];
Allocates new byte array and copies current contents of this output stream in it.
def BArrayOStream.reset();
Resets this output stream discarding previous contents and setting length to zero.